Press Releases for nintendo 3ds

  • 759

    M2i Zero - well known flashcard for Nintendo 3DS

    As a powerful multi-media flashcard, M3i zero is very popular before. But the setup method is not familiar for many players. M3i zero installation is not same as R4 card.

    By : | 03-18-2012 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 759

  • 651

    Is There An R4 Ds Card For The Nintendo 3DS Console?

    The Nintendo 3DS promises 3D Gaming in your pocket without any need for 3D glasses... And it delivers. Something that seemed virtually impossible to do since the invention of 3D movies, is now possible. Yet again, Nintendo delivers a very unique and never seen before feature in their newest game console.

    By : | 01-01-2012 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 651

  • 617

    R4 3DS firmware update for Nintendo 3DS V2.2.0

    Nintendo upgrade 3DS firmware to V2.2.0-4J few days before. And most R4 3DS cards in the market are locked. But some flashcards successfully broke 3DS V2.2.0 console.

    By : | 11-14-2011 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 617

  • 624

    R4 3DS card work on Nintendo 3DS, is it safe?

    Many players asked whether the R4 3DS card will brick their 3DS console. As Nintendo is beating the flashcard, they claimed on the official website: “the R4 card will brick the 3DS console, so never use it”.

    By : | 09-27-2011 | Computer:Games and Entertainment | Total Views : 624

  • 611

    Unbound Gamer exist to provide a friendly and active community for all interested in portable games

    Gamers can now get all the latest portable gaming information, previews, news and reviews, all at one place. This is a revolutionary concept, where gamers get to know their counterparts and share the experience through the powerful community features of the website.

    By : | 09-22-2011 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 611

  • 661

    R4i RTS card break Nintendo 3DS V2.1.0-4 Successfully

    R4i RTS is a excellent R4 3DS card made by, it may also be called R4isdhc RTS card. With a MicroSD card, it is easy for users to play games and enjoy multi-media functions on the R4i RTS card.

    By : | 08-31-2011 | Computer:Games and Entertainment | Total Views : 661

  • 893

    Supercard Dstwo break Nintendo 3DS and DSi V1.4.3 console

    Supercard dstwo is the most flashcard in nintendo world. It is currently update the firmware to support latest DSi V1.4.3 and 3ds console.

    By : | 08-05-2011 | Technology:Electronics | Total Views : 893